
Title IX

The College complies with all applicable state and federal statutes, including Title IX of the federal Higher Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex under any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are forms of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

The College strictly prohibits sexual misconduct of any kind.

Incoming students and employees are informed about ways to prevent sexual misconduct through new student orientation and new employee orientation programs. Additionally, ongoing campus-wide programs to prevent such incidents are conducted during the academic year through informational campaigns, events and workshop opportunities.

Any student, faculty or staff member who has concerns about gender-based discrimination, including any concerns pertaining to sexual misconduct, is encouraged to seek assistance from the College Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator provides information about resources for assistance and about options for addressing concerns. Those options may vary depending on the nature of the complaint, whether the complainant is a student, faculty of staff member, the wishes of the complainant regarding confidentiality, and whether the complainant prefers to proceed formally or informally. This process plays an integral role in fulfilling the College’s commitment to provide a positive learning, teaching and working environment for the entire community.

Students who believe they have been a victim of sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, harassment of discrimination) should tell someone. A report may filed with any or all of the following:

  • The Office of Student Life, Housing & Residence Life, Human Resources and/or Campus Safety & Security. This could lead to an internal investigation, hearing and/or findings related to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator. This could lead to an internal investigation, hearing and/or findings related to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Seattle Police Department. This could lead to a criminal investigation and legal proceedings.

All faculty and staff (with the exception of professional counselors), desk assistants, resident assistants and administrators are responsible employees who are obligated to report allegations of sexual misconduct to campus authorities. All responsible employees are obligated to report such information to the Title IX Coordinator. If the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator is not available, faculty and staff may complete an online incident report or provide a witness statement to Campus Safety & Security.


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