Take advantage of an expanding universe of opportunity in theater. Build your skills for stage, film, and television. Experiment with web-based, immersive, and site-specific performance. Specialize in Musical Theater or Acting & Original Works. As a theater student at Cornish, you'll perfect your technical skills while letting your imagination run wild.Loading...
BFA in Acting + Original Works
BFA in Musical Theater
What Will You Learn
as A Theater Major at Cornish?
Hone your skills as a performer, through acting, movement, and vocal technique work.
Become an excellent collaborator and communicator. Work with your fellow theater students and collaborate across disciplines at Cornish. Learn to think critically, apply context, and analyze theatrical texts.
Develop yourself as a creator, through writing, directing, devising, producing, improvisation, and more.
Scenic Design, Sound Design, and Stage Management
should visit our Performance Production Department.
Cornish is a great incubator for art and artists. If you are ready and eager to be hatched, it is a wonderful place to explore, grow, and be exposed to other artists and new ideas.Colin Byrne (TH ’03) Original Works
Explore Your Major
The more I learned about Cornish, the more the college felt like a collision of my passions. Cornish provided a platform to explore directing, writing, leadership, and acting with equal engagement.Courtney Sale (TH ‘01) Original Works
Recent Cornish News & Blog Posts
Student Work
One of the great things about Cornish is that everyone teaching there is a working professional.Diana Huey (TH ‘08) Musical Theater
Faculty Emeriti | Theater
Kathleen Collins, Professor Emerita,| 1999-2020
John Kendall Wilson, Professor Emeritus, Theater | 1989 – 2019
Hal Ryder, Professor Emeritus | 1982 – 2017