

Heather Kravas


Since 1995, Heather Kravas has investigated choreographic, improvisation and collaborative practices in contemporary dance to explore the edges of performance. Her work investigates: lines, shapes, distances, presence, exertion, intersections, endurance, calamity, contradiction, concentration, tension, failure, sacrifice, labor, love, the cobbled together, + words.

Precise and extreme, these dances look like landscapes punctuated by Rube Goldberg machines. Glacial movements give way to strange loops, still forms tremble and transform, DIY folk dances turn into complicated parables. Full of contradictions and emphatically non-spectacular, they invite audiences into the terrain of their own minds. A Guggenheim Fellow, Doris Duke Impact Award recipient and Creative Capital Awardee, Kravas continues to present her work nationally and internationally in theaters, galleries and festivals. She currently lives in Seattle with her partner and 2 children.
