
Annual Partnership Exhibition

Cornish at Fred Hutch

This exhibition is an annual partnership with the Cornish Art department and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

The exhibition runs from August to May each year, featuring selected works from the graduating Art majors’ BFA exhibition.

The Hutchinson Center and Cornish College established the art loan partnership in 2005. Each year, the Public Health Sciences Art Task Force visits the Cornish Art Department’s Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition to select pieces. At the close of the BFA Exhibition, the selected art comes to the Center for installation throughout the Arnold Building.

Exhibition Curator: Bonnie Biggs, Professor, Art Department

Sponsors: The Office of the President & Director of FHCRC, The Public Health Sciences Division, and Cornish College of the Arts.

Image credit: Chloe King feet pic, detail archival pigment print 2021


Cornish at Hutch Events